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The Exactness of the Term

As the basis of his dialectic, Socrates demanded precision of terminology. In our revolution of the dialectic, we demand precision of the verb as a foundation.

The word is a distinctive human feature; it is the instrument of individual expression and communication among humans. It is the vehicle of exterior language and the discharge or exteriorization of the complicated interior language, which can be utilized by both the Being or the ego.

Plato, in the dialogue Phaedo, expressed to one of his disciples a concept that is famous for its profundity, moral delicacy, and as a human principle of idiomatic propriety. It states the following:

“Be it known unto you, my dear Crito, that speaking in an improper manner is not only committing a fault in what is said, but also a type of damage that is caused to the souls.”

If we want to resolve problems, we must abstain from expressing our opinion. Every opinion can be debated. We must resolve a problem by meditating upon it. It is necessary to resolve it with the mind and the heart. We must learn to think for ourselves. To repeat like parrots the opinions of others is absurd.

When the ego is annihilated, the mind’s processing of options disappears. An opinion is the emission of a concept out of fear that another concept might be the truth, and this indicates ignorance.

It is urgent to learn not to identify with problems. It is necessary to explore ourselves sincerely and then maintain mental and verbal silence.