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The Orgy or Bacchanalia

Sexual Revolution

In today's meditation session, we practiced pranayama. On the surface, it appears to be a breathing exercise, and that is how most people describe it. This type of  technique was known in every religion, but by different names, although, in most cases, it has been lost or obscured. It is a type of transmutation exercise in which you learn to move energy. 

Like any activity, the only way you can really successfully do pranayama or any transmutation is if you can perceive what you are doing. It is very difficult to drive a car if you are blind, or to compose music if you are deaf. To practice transmutation, to move energy, it is important to learn how to sense what you are doing, how to perceive it, not merely to guess, assume, hope, but to actually have practical knowledge of what it is you are doing. 

Of course, that is the basis of our studies here: facts, practical teachings. We want to study our own nature, and our place in the universe, but that study has very little value if we are unable to take practical steps and change. In order to practice and change, we need to know what we are doing and to be able to establish our actions based on facts: provable, repeatable, experienceable facts. That is why in our meditation today we worked with pranayama, approaching that technique with the effort to make it practical, perceptible, so we can prove to ourselves that it actually works. 

When we engage in a spiritual practice, it is very important for us to base ourselves on facts. It is essential to always remain aware of the facts, to observe the facts. If you cannot measure your spiritual practice based on facts, then you cannot be certain you are doing anything at all. Therefore, it is critical to observe oneself, and observe the facts. 

Pay attention; note, “what is my state of being before I begin the practice? How do I feel? What is the condition of my physicality? Of my energy? Of my emotion? Of my mind?” Then, when practicing., stay conscious, awake and aware of what you are doing. Do not become distracted by thoughts, daydreaming, etc. Focus! Of course, this is not easy for beginners, and it takes effort to develop concentration. So, do your best. When you are done, examine how have you changed. Has this practice accomplished something? What is the result of it? What have these actions caused? What are the consequences? Is there a change in your physicality? In your energy? In your emotion? In your mind? Did you perceive something different? Or did you remain distracted? Did you waste your time? This line of inquiry is really important. 

If you practice in a mechanical way, in a distracted way, you will never be able to measure any results, and thus eventually you will leave spiritual life, you will give up, you will walk away with the belief that this system doesn't work, that the practices don't work, when all along the fault was your own, because you weren't looking for the facts, you were not evaluating the facts of your own actions. That is why we encourage you to develop this approach, all the time in everything you do. Observe, note the facts, measure, evaluate, experiment. 

That little preamble, or preface, brings us to the topic of this lecture today, which is the fourth lecture of this course we have been giving about evolution and sexuality. In the previous lecture, we have examined how the sexual aspect of nature changes over the course of the development of a world. We examined our ancient ancestors, and how the sexual aspect of nature progressively changes, as a civilization, as a culture changes. Today we want to go deeper, further, in examining these questions, specifically related to the practicalities of our spiritual life. 

Ancient Races of Earth

To remind you, we discussed ancient races that once existed on this planet. We are well aware that this is likely the first time you have heard of these subjects, because contemporary humanity has forgotten this knowledge, ignores it, mocks it even, because there is no evidence of these races hidden in the dirt. That is because the most ancient races were not yet physical. They were not yet in the physical world. Scientists and anthropologists cannot find traces of the most ancient races, specifically the Polar race and Hyperboreans. These great races endured for millennia, but were not physically apparent. (Note that not everything about yourself is physically apparent; your interior life corresponds to the levels of nature where those races resided.)

Root Races

1. “Polaris”
2. “Hyperborea”
3. “Lemuria” (Adam and Eve)
4. “Atlantis” (Noah, universal flood)
5. “Aryan”
6. Future era

At the very beginning of life on this particular planet, it was a golden age. The beings that existed at the beginning of sentient life on this planet were very, very pure. There was no ego, there was no strife, there was no anger or lust. There was only a kind of cognizance and knowledge that we today, in our current condition, can scarcely comprehend. 

As we know from classical studies, all developed things pass through ages. They begin with beauty, as a golden age, and gradually decline, little by little over time, into silver, into bronze, into iron... things degenerate. And that is what we have been discussing in this course: the process of the birth, development, the blossoming of the beauty of a living thing, and then its decline, and decay towards death. We find those rules apply not only to our individual experience of living and dying, but worlds, solar systems, planets, civilizations, they all pass through those phases. All the previous civilizations passed through those phases. As a group they also represent that: ancient golden ages that declined, little by little, until we reach the age that we are in now, which is the so-called Aryan race. And we explained to you that the word Aryan doesn't mean “blonde haired white people.” It is a Sanskrit word that means “noble,” and it refers to most of the people on this planet. 

In spite of us believing that we are the most splendorous and advanced civilization that has ever existed on this planet, we are actually the worst. We are the most degenerated, and have achieved the least development of any race on this planet. The previous civilizations accomplished far more and were far more beautiful than we are. And, after us there will be a new race, because you see, everything that is born, dies. 

Our development occurred also as a cycle; we had a golden age which was in our ancient past also forgotten by contemporary humanity. Now we are in the iron age, and are approaching the end of this cycle. 

Subraces of the Aryan Race

In the same way that there are seven great races on any world system, there are also seven subraces for each of those individual races. During the Lemurian era, there were seven great periods of development before the Lemurian era ended. Amongst the Atlanteans, there were seven great eras of development before the Atlantean era ended. Similarly, in our current civilization, we are currently in the seventh of seven subraces. Meaning that we are at the end of the lifetime of this current humanity.

Subraces of the Aryan Era

1. Tibet
2. India and China
3. Persia, Chaldea, Egypt, and Jerusalem
4. Greeks and the Romans
5. Germans, English, and French
6. Latin America
7. North America

Our golden age was in the ancient past in the center of Asia where the remnant of the Atlantean civilization gathered and established the seed plot for this new civilization that they were calling the Aryan race. The survivors of the destruction of the Atlanteans are written about in the Bible as the story of Noah, and written amongst the Greeks as the story of Deucalion and his wife. They are known in every civilization in the world as the universal flood. Even the so-called “savages,” the Native Americans and the native nations of the other continents of the planet, all have histories of the great flood that destroyed humanity and those few survivors who escaped it. Those stories are about the end of the Atlantean era, and those few survivors who laid forth the seeds for the new development, the new race, which is the Aryan race. Those survivors of Atlantis gathered in Tibet, also in Mesoamerica, also in Egypt, and other places, but the core activity, the greatest amount of energy for the propagation of life in the recreated world after the great flood was in the central part of Asia. And from there, over millennia, that great energy of development into a new era moved into China and India, and for many years there was a flourishing, beautiful civilization there, very spiritual. Eventually after many millennia, that energy moved westward into the Middle Eastern areas, Persia, Chaldea, Egypt, Jerusalem, and subsequently into Greece. Little by little, as this energy of inspiration that was pushing the consciousness of humanity to develop, humanity was instead degenerating, becoming more identified with desire, pride, anger, materialism, pride, violence, competition, fear. By the time we reached the Roman era, humankind was increasingly interested in rigid logic and physical matter, and caring less and less about the development of the soul and the spirit. Subsequently, the great push of energy of inspiration and the development of civilization moved into Europe with the Germans, English and French and then eventually there was a great push of energy into the new world as the Europeans expanded into Latin America and mixed with the Natives, the survivors of the Atlantean race in Latin America. Then all the energy moved northward into North America and that is what we are finding now in North America as all the races of the world are gathering together and mixing into one community. All of the bloodstreams that were previously kept isolated and separate from each other are now being mixed up, because from that mixture will be taken the few seeds to start the next round, the next civilization. 

The Era of Pisces

For the past few thousand years we passed through the era of Pisces. That is when the position of our planet was receiving a particular influence of cosmic energy, an energy that is far beyond this planet, related with Pisces. That energy is very conservative, very instinctive; it is a period of time in which the mysteries are clouded, hidden, and humanity is driven by animal instinct. During the Piscean era, sexuality was considered as something to be hidden, to be only done in secret, something shameful, dirty, repulsive, and was always kept on the side, something you didn't discuss, something you didn't talk about, something you do not bring up in polite company, and you don't mix with society, especially with religion. And that is why previous to the 1960's, our culture, philosophy, and creative efforts (books, tv) kept the sexual aspect of life hidden away, it wasn't dealt with in religion, philosophy, science, and was always considered something shameful. But in 1962 things changed. 

aquarian era

The Aquarian Era

On February 4th, 1962 there was a conjunction of planets, where all the planets of our solar system arrived at a very beautiful position that symbolized the movement into a new era, called the era of Aquarius. 

These cosmic timeframes last for thousands of years. Our solar system and our planet are constantly moving in space, something that individually we have no awareness of at all. We are only aware of what we can perceive a few feet away from us. We have no real cognizance of the fact that we are walking on a planet that is drifting in space, that is spinning around a great sun surrounded by an infinite, incomprehensible number of worlds all of which are radiating incredible energy that affects us. We don't perceive it because we are not looking; we are not watching for it, we have not been taught to perceive it. 

Within the context of any one of these periods of time through which a planet passes, it receives a certain kind of influence of energy that affects the physiology of the people, the psychology of the beings who live there. So when our planet began to receive the Aquarian influence, the psychology of the creatures on this planet changed. You don't need to believe me: look in your history books at what happened in the 1960's across the entire planet; there was an incredible, dynamic shift in the consciousness of people, a radical change. It did not happen exactly on February 4th, it happened gradually starting before that. February 4th is just the date where these planets most clearly created this very beautiful diagram that I'm showing you of our solar system. If you were to jump off our planet and go very far away and look at our solar system from a distance they would have looked like this pattern. 

The change of the move into the Aquarian era happened in the same way that our sun rises every day. There is darkness, and suddenly there is a faint glow and little by little that glow increases and you can see. And there is a certain moment at which the sun peeks above the horizon and those first brilliant rays reach your eyes: that was February 4th, 1962, when those first rays struck the consciousness of humanity. The influences were already happening in the 1950's but it had its first moment of real impact on February 4th, 1962 and from there it grew stronger, and it is still growing stronger, because the sun rises into the sky in the same way the Aquarian influence is strengthening as it rises, and it will rise for a thousand years before it reaches its zenith. 

We are only at the very beginning of the Aquarian era, but this civilization will not survive it. Some individuals will, in the same way that some people survived Atlantis, some survived Lemuria. 

The Aquarian era brings an entirely new influence on the psychology of the people of this world. 

The Water of Aquarius

The word Aquarius is Latin and it means “the water carrier.” The symbol of Aquarius is universal amongst all the ancient traditions. The water carrier is a very significant symbol in every religion. In Sanskrit it is Kumba, and in Greek Hydrea. The ancient symbol of Aquarius is simply a pitcher of water, a vessel that holds water. You find this symbol amongst the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Indians... all of the ancient traditions have it. 

aquarius water

Aquarius symbolizes the container that holds the life-giving force. On the most superficial level, you know that without water you will die. You must have water to live. That is not the meaning of Aquarius; the water that is symbolized here is not physical water, but something much more beautiful. It is the water of life, the water that gives rise to all living things, which is not physical water but something symbolic. That water is symbolized in Alchemy, its symbolized in the Bible, its symbolized in the Creation Myths of every great tradition. In the Rig Veda, it is the waters that are churned by the gods in order to create life. In the Bible, God divides the waters from the waters and the firmament rises and creation begins. Jesus taught about the water repeatedly which we have described in this course, about the living water in your belly. So this water is not mere physical water, but represents the spiritual source of life and has many levels of meaning and has many levels of importance. 

Specifically, Aquarius is a sign of revolution that always brings great change. Aquarius overturns Pisces. Since Pisces was an era in which the secrets, the mysteries, the great power of religion was kept isolated, hidden, submerged, and sexuality was repressed, considered something dirty, then Aquarius revolts against that, and that is why when the 1960's arrived we find there was a revolutionary focus on consciousness, religion, spirituality, yoga, and sex; all of these were suddenly critically important to peoples lives. There was a tremendous interest that was stimulated in the consciousness of people worldwide. There was a very dynamic rise of sexual awareness. People suddenly realized that sex is part of life and is an incredibly dynamic and important aspect of life, not something shameful but something that should be investigated and understood. You see? Sex and religion: they cannot be separated. 

It was at this time, for the first time in history, that the esotericism of sexuality was revealed, and this was happening in several ways around the world. That was all because of Aquarius.

Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, Ouranos, which means “heaven, sky.” That planet is also revolutionary, and it rules over the sexual glands in the body. All the planets in the solar system have different influences on us. Ouranos controls the sexual energy. It has a very direct influence on us. 

Aquarius brought a dynamic change in society. For us to understand that change we need to look a little bit deeper into the history of our religions and understand that they are symbolic teachings, pointing towards truths that are not literally explained in any religion but only symbolized. As an example of this, let us study this Greek figure, Dionysus. 

Dionysus, Bacchus

Nowadays, the Greek god Dionysus is considered to be a homosexual and a drunkard, but that is not his original form. Remember: civilizations degenerate over time. In early Greece, Dionysus was a pure, beautiful symbol of divinity. As the Greeks degenerated, so did their religion. 

In his original form in ancient Greece, in the Grecian mysteries of Dionysus, he was symbolized as a very powerful old man who was the bringer of law and civilization, had the power to control nature, and was seen side by side with Artemis as the God or Goddess of nature. 

Dionysus literally means “god of the tree.” That tree is not just any tree in the forest, but is the world tree, the structure of all things. Here in these lectures we are studying the tree of life, symbolized in the Kabbalah as the structure of many spheres. The world tree is known in every religion: the Nordics new it, the Mayans knew it, the Aztecs knew it, the Tibetans knew it, the Indians knew it. It is only we modern people who mock these things, in our ignorance. 

Dionysus as the god of the tree here in this particular image from Roman times is shown with his primary symbol, which is the staff, and at the top of that staff is a pinecone. The pinecone is related to the pineal gland in the middle of your brain, and the staff is your spinal column. 

When the mystery cults of Dionysus were widespread in ancient Greece they were all secret. The mysteries of Dionysus were not taught in the streets; it was the era of Pisces: the only way you could acquire the secrets, the real practical knowledge that we are teaching openly here, at that time in the past you had to be tested, you had to prove yourself as trustworthy, you had to pass through many trials and ordeals and many years of struggle to earn the right to hear the teachings that you are now receiving for free. 

In those ancient teachings, Dionysus was considered to be the most mysterious and beautiful amongst the gods, equal to Osiris of the Egyptians, a Christic figure who was resurrected just like Jesus, just like Osiris. They are very beautiful teachings, but hidden, and ultimately lost because they were never written down. But the cults that worshipped Dionysus like everything else degenerated and they spread from town to town and from place to place and degenerated more and more, and by the time we reached the Roman era, Dionysus had become Bacchus the drunkard, the reveler, the homosexual, the abuser of children, the orgy master. He became the symbol of all of the worst behaviors of humanity. We, the degenerated humanoids, converted Dionysus into that. It happened in the Grecian times, it happened in the Roman times, and it is happening today. 

dionysus jesus

Dionysus and Wine

Through the course of time Dionysus has always been associated with grapes, with wine, and in his mysteries, he was symbolised the grape, the wine, as a symbol of Alchemy, of transformation, of how something simple, the juice of the grape, is transformed into something that brings an ecstatic stimulant to the consciousness. This is called Transubstatiation. That same symbol is known in Christianity. In fact, the first miracle of Jesus was the transformation of water into wine. You see here in these two images, that Jesus and Dionysus carry many of the same symbols, and all of it is around sex. 

The first miracle of Jesus was at a wedding where he transformed water into wine, not literally, physically. Rather, is a symbol of Alchemy, of how in a sacred marriage, the sacred waters in us, the sexual water, can be transformed into a wine that intoxicates the soul, the consciousness. 

Jesus gave many beautiful teachings to humanity, and represents the positive influence of the Aquarian era, of how this great revolutionary stimulating force that is descending into our planet right now can push the consciousness towards the ecstasy of the soul, spiritually ecstasies, to drive us towards greater purity, to take the waters of the body and transform them into wine, through an alchemical wedding that happens within us psychologically and spiritually so that we can follow his example, the example of Christ, to become like him: pure, radiant, beautiful, compassionate. 


The Last Supper of the upright revolution happens before the death and resurrection of Christ

This symbol of the last supper shows to us all the parts of our inner being brought together in a mystical ecstasy of a shared communion of the nourishment that we receive from that cosmic force that the Christians call Christ, and that the Greeks called Dionysus, and that the Egyptians called Osiris. And here Jesus with the disciples takes bread and wine in celebration of that beautiful energy that divinity is flowing onto us daily, constantly, a beautiful influence that is emerging out of nature in the subtle levels right now, and that if we are attentive and cognizant we can take advantage of that, to nourish the consciousness, to develop the soul, to be inebriated with love, compassion, joy, great zeal to help others, diligence, astonishment, all the qualities of the best human beings. That is what we call the Dionysian wave. 

The Dionysian Wave

The Dionysian wave is a cosmic influence that is brought to us through the intercession of Christ, the Ain Soph Aur, that light that is emerging out of the absolute. That light is giving and giving and giving, trying to help all the souls who are longing to be free of suffering. That influence is here and now on this planet, everywhere, and that is what is behind the great rise of interest in religion, in esotericism, in mysticism, in yoga, in tantra, in Kabbalah: it is that energy that is pushing all of the souls in this world to reach up, out of the darkness, to awaken, to come out of pain. It is happening worldwide, through many avenues, through any place that the Christ can find a way to guide souls out of the darkness. 

It is not one group that is doing this, it is not one church, or one religion. It is not one master or one movement bringing the light of Christ. The compassion of the Universal Christ is not restricted to one master or one group. Christ bringing help to suffering beings everywhere, through any available means, through any available vessel, anywhere that it can be done. 

That is the positive influence of this energy. But as you probably already suspect, given the quality of mind that we have today, humanity does not receive that energy in that way. Just think about this humanity: anytime we receive a powerful gift, like a new kind of knowledge, how do we use it? Anytime we receive something new, something powerful, how do we use it? In the last century, all the most brilliant minds on this planet suddenly came to understand something very powerful and significant, in several places at the same time on this planet. It wasn't happening in one place, it was happening in a variety of places independently of each other but they were all coming to the same conclusion and approaching the same discovery, and the first ones who made it work took it to Japan as a bomb, and dropped it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to kill hundreds of thousands of people. They did not use that knowledge of atomic science to liberate souls, to create peace, to inspire, love and compassion, beauty, and joy. They used it to slaughter, to obliterate. This is just one example. Just observe the facts: what is the single largest expenditure in the world economy today? It is for military expenses: for killing people.  

The Atlanteans of the previous era did a lot of harmful acts.  The Atlanteans did a lot of bad things, and their acts were so bad that nature guided by divinity had no choice but to destroy them, and that story is related in the Bible when God says, behold all these people on this planet, this whole planet is becoming a place of violence, and I have no choice now but to wipe them out, but you Noah I will save. But as bad as they were, the Atlanteans did not have concentration camps, they didn't commit genocide, over and over again, they didn't obliterate cities with atomic bombs like us. Our humanity is far worse. 

For decades people have dreamed that America is the greatest civilization in history. Everybody wants to come to live in America, but America was founded on the genocide of the Natives and the slavery of people with dark skin. The chief economic power of America for it's first hundred plus years was slavery and genocide. America has nothing to be proud of, yet it boasts itself as the greatest creation of humanity in history. This is how we are: we think we are the best, when in reality we are not.

So when Christ provides a powerful energy that can help us to awaken consciousness and rise up out of suffering by utilizing the most powerful energy that we have in our bodies, do you think that we use it wisely? When the Aquarian era arrived and brought the Dionysian wave into fruition to help us harness our sexual force, how do you think we took advantage of it?

The Sexual Revolution of the 1960’s

You know what happened in the 1960's when this energy first arrived. What happened was the return of the degenerations of the previous eras: the Bacchanalia, the orgies of the Greeks and Romans, the abuse of the sexual act in combination with drugs and alcohol and religion. This is how humanity has received the gifts from Osiris, Dionysus, Christ: they take that beautiful symbolic “wine” of Dionysus/Christ that can inebriate the soul towards greater heights, and instead they corrupt themselves and each other. 

A Bacchanal by Jan Brueghel the Elder and Hendrik van Balen I ca. 1608 1616. Speed Art Museum

"The Last Supper" of the Every Civilization is an Orgy that Preceeds Their Destruction

The people of the 1960's claimed they were creating a sexual revolution. In reality, they were only creating sexual degeneration. The people of the 1960's became inebriated with their lust and desire, thus they did not revolt against anything of value, they revolted only against their own conscience, they revolted against divinity. Their so-called revolution was instead of performing degenerated acts in private now they begin to practice them in public. That is not an improvement of a situation, it is a worsening of it. If it is a revolution, it is a revolution against the conscience. 

The so-called “sexual revolution” of the 1960's was no more than a repetition of the ancient past, such as the Bacchanalia of the Romans and the Greeks, the tantric orgies of the Hindus and Buddhists from ancient times. The 1960’s were merely a repetition of the degeneration of the Atlanteans, who in turn were repeating the degenerations of the Lemurians. The 1960’s were repeating the degeneration in Pompeii, which was subsequently destroyed, the degeneration of Sodom and Gomorrah which was subsequently destroyed. 


When the 1960's arrived, that great energy of Dionysus/Christ was provided to inspire us to take advantage of our sexual energy to transform ourselves radically and awaken consciousness and free ourselves of lust, liberate ourselves from desire, but instead we created pornography. That is when porn first became a widespread phenomenon, in the late 1950's and through the 1960's, and it spread like a weed. Now all of our children, even at ages 4, 5, 6, can access pornography with the touch of a screen, without any limits. This is shameful, and instead of helping humanity, it is destroying humanity.

These elements of desire and lust are within all of us. They take the energy that we receive from divinity and from nature and want to use it to feed themselves, they want to experience sensations of pleasure. These elements in us believe that through pleasant sensations they can acquire liberation from suffering, because in the moment of feeling pleasure you don't feel suffering; that is the trick, that is the illusion. 

Every ancient scripture, every ancient tradition in the world, emphasizes the great truth that desire is at the base of suffering, desire is the root cause of pain. 

Sexual pleasure, sexual enjoyment, is our natural right, it is the fundamental method of nature to create. We need sex to create life. The problem is we have converted sex into a plaything, we have corrupted it, degenerated it. 

Sexual Revolution and Liberation from Suffering

Sexuality properly utilized can liberate the consciousness, which has to be purged of the ego, lust, pride, vanity, and replaced by love, humility, purity. That is where we find genuine contentment and happiness and spiritual development. 

The real revolution is against the animal instincts in our mind that want to remain attached to sexual pleasure as lust. The real revolution is against our desires.

jesus gadarene demon 2

That is the symbol of Christ driving the demons out of those who suffer. Those demons are lust, anger, pride. Those demons are within us. We created those demons through lust. Christ can eject them, and destroy them, by the same power that created them: sexual power, but used in a pure, divine way. 

The real revolution is to bring that Christic influence of Dionysus, Osiris, into our consciousness as the guiding principle for how we utilize the sexual act. There are plenty of instructions and guidance on how to do that (such as in The Perfect Matrimony), but to learn we have to study and change. If we do not change, we will go with the flow of this current civilization and be destroyed just like those ancient catastrophes where the Lemurian continent was destroyed, and the Atlantean continent was destroyed, and all those civilizations like those of Pompeii and ancient Egypt and ancient Indians… They were all destroyed because of their degeneration, because their degeneration reached such a point at which nature can't contain it anymore, it is too much. We as a civilization are well past that point. 

The warnings have been written in all of our scriptures that the day will come that divinity will wipe this planet clean. We have been warned repeatedly through all the scriptures, not just the Christian ones, but even amongst the Buddhists the great Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava, gave prophecies about this, but the Buddhists ignore it, thinking its only going to happen in a future era a long time from now, not realizing it is happening right now. The planet is shaking, things are changing, and we don't want to accept that it is our behaviour that has created this situation on this planet, no one else. 

When this civilization is destroyed, where will we be, what hope will we have, can we be saved? All the scriptures say yes, if you are pure, or at least working towards it. This is not based on what you believe, but on how you are changing. 

The energy of the Aquarian influence of the Dionysian wave is not theoretical, it is a vibrating energy that is affecting you now. If you were born after the 1960's it has been influencing you for your entire life. If you were born before the 1960's then reflect on your life and how things changed in the 1960's, not just in society but for you, and reflect on that change. That energy is a cognizant force that is directly flowing right into your psychology to inspire you to become better, and if you are wise, you will turn your face towards it and receive it, consciously, to absorb it into your every atom, so that it can transform you. 

How do you receive it? Not by belief. You receive by sexual purity. Preserve your sexual energy. Learn to transform it. 

When you preserve your sexual energy, you are conserving the substance in you (the “living waters”) directly connected to Christ. When you transmute those waters into wine, your consciousness is energized by Christ. 

If you preserve your sexual energy, it will transform you because it is a revolutionary energy, it is an Aquarian influence, directed by Christ, Dionysus. 

The Polarity of the Sexual Force

This symbol from the book of Numbers in the Bible represents what is happening now on this planet. 

moses dionysus

The people spoke out against אלהים [Elohim] and Moshe [Moses], 'Why did you take us out of Egypt to die in the desert? There is no bread and no מים [mayim, water]! Our נפש [nephesh, soul] is getting disgusted with this insubstantial food.' [They tired of the manna from God, calling it "tasteless." In other words, they craved sensation, and began to break the Law.]

יהוה [Jehovah] sent שרף [seraph, fiery] נחש [nachash, serpents] against the people, and when they [tempting serpents of Eden] began biting the people, a number of Israelites died.

The people came to Moses and said, 'We have sinned by speaking against יהוה [Jehovah] and you. Pray to יהוה [Jehovah], and have Him take the snakes away from us.'

God [Iod-Havah Elohai (Binah)] said to Moses, 'Make yourself [the image of] a snake, and place it on a pole. Everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.'

Moses made a brazen [Hebrew nechosheth: brass] snake [Hebrew nachash] and placed it on a high pole. Whenever a snake bit a man, he would gaze at the brazen snake and live. - Quoted from Numbers 21

This story describes two serpents: one that brings pain, and one that brings healing. They are the polar opposites of the same force: the sexual energy. By respecting the law, and doing what is right, that force heals us. But when we follow desire, that force kills us. It kills us in many levels: spiritually, individually, collectively, globally.

Modern people think that they will find happiness through sex, drugs, having an open sexual life. They call themselves pansexual or transsexual or different names that they are inventing for themselves, trying to break the mold that they feel is trapping them. That revolutionary thinking is Dionysian, but inverted. The influence of Dionysus is pushing them to examine their sexuality, to change, but because of lust that impulse is being interpreted negatively. All those people who are pushing for some type of new sexual life are doing it in the opposite way, degenerated way.  How do we know that is true? Because in every level of nature from the subatomic to the universes, sex has rules: action and consequence. 

To create life, there is action and consequence. You can only create life in very specific, scientific, exact ways, and when you vary from those ways there is only pain, there is only destruction, there is only death. To create a physical body, a human body, it requires a man and a woman in the sexual act, there is no other way to create a human body. The same is true of creating the soul. “As above, so below.” Jesus taught the way to be born again, to create the soul: it requires a man and a woman, in an immaculate sexual act (no fornication), however, with the renunciation of animal lust. The retention of the sexual energy is the difference between creating physically or internally, spiritually. There is no other way to create life. 

All of the people on this planet who are trying to change their sexuality or change society’s ideas about sexuality are motivated by that Dionysian influence but are inverting it into something impure, something that will only lead to pain. That is what is represented in the Bible by all these people being bitten by serpents. It is a kind of Bacchanalia, an orgy.

The way to life is to raise that serpent on a pole. The pole is your spinal column. It is the staff of Dionysus topped by a pine cone, your pineal gland.

God [Iod-Havah Elohai (Binah)] said to Moses, 'Make yourself [the image of] a snake, and place it on a pole. Everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.'

Moses made a brazen [Hebrew nechosheth: brass] snake [Hebrew nachash] and placed it on a high pole. Whenever a snake bit a man, he would gaze at the brazen snake and live. - Quoted from Numbers 21

The name Moses is Moshe in Hebrew, spelled Mem, Shin, Hei. The letter Mem represent water. Shin represents fire, it is the second letter of his name. The letter Hei represents a womb. So when Jesus gave the instruction that we must be born again of the water, and the spirit, which is fire, he was describing Moses, born in the womb of fire, the spirit, and water. Moses represents our willpower, which must lead the people of Israel (our consciousness) out of suffering. When Jesus gave that instruction to Nicodemus, he was pointing directly at the story about Moses raising the serpent on the staff. That serpent is the sexual energy made pure, liberated, from sexual degeneration, and it rises up the spine, which is the staff in us, that is why Dionysus has that staff, he is showing the way. We see the same symbol here with Shiva holding a skull, your own head, and the serpent is nourished, through the life-giving forces, provided by his wife; this water pot is the Kumbha, Aquarius. 

shiva parvati serpent

These symbols are not simple, and they are not in one religion; this is a worldwide teaching hidden in every religion, but to see it, you have to be educated, because in the Piscean era it was all hidden. Now in the Aquarian era, we are revealing it. 

The Real Sexual Revolution

“...the sexual organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled. The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body." —H.H. THE DALAI LAMA

Even the Dalai Lama teaches if you want spiritual development, spiritual growth, spiritual life, do not orgasm. 

This is also explained in the Yoga scripture Shiva Samhita, which is written from the point of view of Shiva. Shiva is the Holy Spirit, the fire, the letter shin, that is within the sexual energy.

“I [Shiva] am the semen, Sakti [the Goddess] is the generative fluid; when they are [perfectly] combined in the body [through this practice], then the body of the Yogi becomes divine [immortal]. Ejaculation of semen [orgasm] brings death, preserving it within brings life. Therefore, one should make sure to retain the semen within." —SIVA SAMHITA

Now that word semen doesn't mean just male physical sexual energy, it means seed, and it means the sexual energy of male or female. 

Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Greek mysteries, all have this teaching. We have just shown you a few quick examples of where it is hidden there and there are many, many more. 

In order for us to stage a real sexual revolution, we have to stage it in our own body. 

The revolution is not against society. Society is already lost. We have no interest in revolting against society or proving something to society; we have compassion for society, but to really have a revolution it must be within ourselves, and that revolution is against our own mind. 

This type of path is walked by facing the truth about yourself. 

To be a real revolutionary is not to go out in the streets to tell everyone else to change; if you do that, they will kill you, they will stone you to death. 

No one needs to know you are practicing transmutation; it is nobody's business but your own. 

To practice it you must be revolutionary, not against society, but against yourself, against your defects: pride, envy, lust. 

The bacchanalia is in your mind. These are all the elements that you have created over the centuries as you migrated from body to body, following your animal instinct, fattening up your lust and your pride, and now we have a last chance to change. The only way that you can succeed in that change is to truly be a revolutionary, inside, psychologically, in silence, yes, in silence, it is nobody's business but your own. 

The type of change that you need we all need is deep and painful, and you can not succeed in it if you are trying to prove something to everyone else, to prove that you are a “Gnostic,” or that you are a “revolutionary,” or that you are a “Tantric,” or you are whatever; you will waste your time. Do not worry about what others think. Be silent, practice in silence, help others, but with humility, with love, not with preachiness, and seek not to change other people but yourself. Find this Bacchanalia, this orgy that is happening in your mind, and every time you find an element of it revolt against it, and direct all the forces of your being at it to destroy it, and do not rest until all of it is dead. That is the real revolution, that is the only way that you have any hope of being saved from suffering.

Questions and Answers

Audience: You talked about turning ourselves towards the Aquarian influence, but how would you recommend we do that?

Instructor: Meditate.

Audience: Good answer.

Instructor:  Would you go to see the sunrise and look towards the west? That would be pretty dull. When you observe the sunrise you want to look towards the east, to watch the sun and take the light into your eyes and onto your body. In the same way, the Aquarian rising is happening in the internal worlds, it is not physical, and the only way you can perceive that is to open your internal eyes and look inward. The Aquarian influence is saturating the planet right now and you can't see it by looking outwardly; you might see ripples of it in society because society wants to have a revolution, that is what that energy does. All the young people are wanting to have a revolution against the older people, against all the norms of society, and that has been happening with more and more intensity since the 1960's, really the 1950's that started. Even earlier as that light was starting to emerge in society, but now its stronger and stronger, and stronger, that revolutionary urge that all the young people are feeling, but they are interpreting it negatively. They are taking that revolutionary sexual interest and flipping it into something destructive and they don't realize it, so when I say “turn your face towards the Aquarian influence,” I am saying to turn inward; do not be distracted by society. Look within yourself. Yes, we need to help people to reduce the suffering as much as we can, but the best way for us to do that is to change ourselves. So to turn your face towards the Aquarian influence is to look within. That influence is arriving into your mind every day. It is an influence, and energy that is there that is inspiring change, revolution. So meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate, meditate. I am sure you are tired of hearing it but I am saying it again and again for a reason. Your physical senses can not acquire the information that your soul needs. The information that your soul needs must be perceived by the soul, by the consciousness and its perceptions are best when the physical senses are shut. It is that simple, if you really want your consciousness to see, then shut the physical senses.