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Investigate the Twenty-two Major Arcana of Kabbalah. A series of audio lectures accompanied by the first English translation of the chapters from Alchemy and Kabbalah by Samael Aun Weor. Every written chapter of the book is supported by selected images. 

The following is quoted from Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot by Samael Aun Weor.


Adorable and Immortal Beings,

Greetings and adorations,

Beloved disciples,

There are two types of Kabbalists, Intellectual Kabbalists and Intuitive Kabbalists. The Intellectual Kabbalists are Black Magicians, whilst the Intuitive Kabbalists are White Magicians.

Many times the sidereal Gods answer our questions by showing us a tarot card; we must intuitively comprehend the answer that is given onto us. Intuitive Kabbalists comprehend what destiny held in reserve to them by just seeing any card of the tarot.

"The Kabbalah is the science of numbers.

"The author of the Tarot was the Angel Metatron. He is Lord of the serpent wisdom. The Bible refers to him as the Prophet Enoch.

"The Angel Metatron, or Enoch, delivered the Tarot, in which the entirety of divine wisdom is enclosed. The Tarot remains written in stone.

"He also left us the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

"This great Master lives in the Superior Worlds, in the world of Atziluth, which is a world of indescribable happiness. According to the Kabbalah, this world is the region of Kether, a very high Sephirah.All Kabbalists base themselves on the Tarot and it is necessary for them to comprehend the Tarot and study it deeply.The Universe was made with the Law of numbers, measurements and weight.Mathematics forms the Universe, and the numbers become living entities."

Gnostic Kabbalah is the doctrine of practical Christification. We do not theorize here. This is a one hundred percent practical work. Many students long for their Christification but they do not know where to start, because they do not know the clue, the secret.

Here we give away the clue, the secret, the key to every student.

Here is the clue, thirsty lovers of the truth, practice now, you are not alone. We love you profoundly, thus when you tread on the path of the razor’s edge, you will be internally assisted by the brethren of the temple. In this course we deliver the clue of resurrection. We have torn the veil of the sanctuary. Here you have all the secrets; here are all the clues of Christification. Here is written the doctrine that the Adorable taught in secret to his humble disciples

The Adorable One will remain with us until the end of times. This is his doctrine. Here you have it, study it and practice it.

Children of man, do you want to enter into the ineffable joy of nirvana?

Do you want to become as Gods? Do you want to convert yourselves into Christs?

Do you want to liberate yourselves from the wheel of birth and death?

kabbalahHere we will give you the clue of sexual magic! What else do you want?

Let us start seeing the existing relationship of the 10 Sephiroth with the first 10 cards of the Tarot.

The seven planets of the solar system are the seven Sephiroth. And the Thrice-Spiritual Sun is the Sephirothic Crown.

These Sephiroth live and palpitate within our Consciousness and we must learn to manipulate and combine them in the marvelous laboratory of our interior universe.

The Ten Sephiroth are:

Kether – Crown; The equilibrated power; the magician, the first Arcanum of the Tarot whose primeval hieroglyph is represented by a man.

Chokmah – Wisdom; the Popess of the Tarot; occult wisdom, the Priestess. The second card of the Tarot; the moon, primeval hieroglyph is represented by the mouth of man.

Binah – Intelligence; the planet Venus; third card of the Tarot, the Empress, primeval hieroglyph is represented by a hand in the attitude of grasping.

These three Sephiroth are the Sephirothic Crown.

The other seven inferior Sephiroth come in the following order:

Chesed – Mercy; Jupiter, the Divine Being, Atman, primeval hieroglyph is represented by a breast. The four card of the Tarot, the Emperor.

Geburah – Severity; the Buddhic body of the Man, the Pope or the Hierophant of the Tarot, Mars, the warrior of Aries.

Tiphereth – Beauty, Venus of Taurus, love of the Holy Spirit, the Causal Body of the Man, the sixth card of the Tarot, the Lover.

Netzach – Victory, Justice of the Arcanum, the seventh card of the Tarot, the chariot, Saturn.

Hod – Glory, Mercury of Gemini, the eighth card of the Tarot, the Eternity of all.

Yesod – Foundation, the Sun of Leo, the ninth card of the Tarot. The Hermit, the Absolute.

Malkuth – Kingdom, the entire universe, Mary or Virgo, Nature.

These ten Sephiroth live within our Being and are our inner solar system. The Tarot is intimately related with Esoteric Astrology and with Initiation.

Now we start the course of Kabbalah. Let us study the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot. Therefore this course will have 22 lectures. We hope that you will study and practice with patience and tenacity so that you will attain Great Realizations.

We will start by studying the First Arcanum of the Tarot. We will enter into the Sanctum Regnum of High Magic.

Inverential Peace,

Samael Aun Weor