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(Sanskrit) One of the eight major powers (siddhis).

“The power of prophecy, the power of clairvoyance, the sacred ear, psychometry, telepathy and intuition, the power of understanding the language of the animals. Apollonius of Tyana and Saint Francis of Assisi were able to communicate with animals of the forest.” - The Aquarian Message

“The Yogi standing on the earth can touch the highest things. He can touch the sun or the moon or the sky. Through this Siddhi the Yogi attains his desired objects and supernatural powers. He acquires the power of predicting future events, the power of clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, thought-reading, etc. He can understand the languages of the beasts and birds. He can understand unknown languages also. He can cure all diseases.” - Swami Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga