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Supra means "above, over, beyond, before," from L. supra "above, over, before, beyond," in supera (parte), lit. "on the upper (side)," from old fem. ablative singular of superus (adj.) "above," related to super "above, over." Suprasexuality is the sexuality of awakened beings, angels, masters, buddhas, etc.

"Suprasexuality is the result of sexual transmutation. Christ, Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl and many other great masters were suprasexual. [...] By studying the life of animals we discover very interesting things. If we cut a serpent in half we can be sure that it has the power to regenerate itself. It can totally develop a new half with all of the organs of the lost half. Most worms of the earth and sea also have the power of continuous regeneration. The lizard can regenerate its tail and the human organism its skin. The power of regeneration is absolutely sexual. The human being has the power to recreate himself. Man can create the Super-Man within himself. This is possible using sexual power wisely. We can recreate ourselves as authentic Supermen. This is only possible with sexual transmutation. The fundamental key to sexual transmutation is the Arcanum A.Z.F. (Sexual Magic). The key to all power is found in the union of the phallus and the uterus. What is important is that the couple learns how to withdraw from the sexual act before the spasm, before the seminal discharge. The semen must not be spilled either inside the uterus or outside of it, neither to the sides, nor anywhere else. We speak clearly, so that people will understand, even though some puritanical infrasexual people might consider the former statement to be pornographic. Human life in itself has no meaning. To be born, to grow, to work hard in order to live, to reproduce oneself as any animal, and then to die is really a chain of martyrdom that the human being carries entangled in his soul. If that is life, it is not worthy of living. Fortunately, we have in our sexual glands the seed, the grain. From this seed, from the grain, can be born the Super-Man, the Adam Christ, the Golden Child of sexual alchemy. For this, life is certainly worth living." - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony